Leadership development
At CTG we have a number of signature Development programmes for all levels of the business. Each one is designed to create maximum development across a number of modules to offer the core skills and techniques to be effective in both Management and Leadership roles.
Professional development
Six Modules
Created for professionals looking to develop their careers, this programme covers a range of topics that are critical for individual contributors and associates to lead their career and help unleash their potential to become the best versions of themselves. Covering Emotional Intelligence and Resilience topics as well as Coaching and Influencing each module is created to maximise the delegates learning whilst at the same time offering them a toolbox that will be invaluable in the development of their careers. Modules run monthly alongside a cross functional project that enables the cohort to grow together and test the skills they are learning over the course of the programme on a real - life business topic.
This programme is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

“This is a world class programme and delivered in an engaging and fun way that makes learning easy. The tools are simple to adopt and use and from the very beginning the entire cohort was learning whilst having fun along the way. Highly recommended to anyone looking to develop or sharpen their skills”
“I didn’t know what to expect with this programme but was delighted with the learning experience. The CTG facilitators are knowledgeable and experienced and clearly know their stuff. We learned every session and had the opportunity of testing the learning in between the session through our engagement and involvement in the group projects. What a great programme! Thank you”
3 month development
Four Modules
This 3 Month development programme is designed to help People Managers embrace the Art of Management. All content can be tailored to enhance the experience of the delegates and is created to be low on slides and theory and high on experiential, practical and easy to use tools. Four modules that build on each other to offer an intensive and context rich development experience for managers of all levels. With Psychometric Assessments and tailored diagnostics this well - rounded programme really does engage with everyone offering them the chance to truly embrace the Art of Management,
This programme is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

“This was a truly fantastic experience, balancing group discussions and practical role plays which really helped to embed the learning. The CTG facilitators worked closely with the HR and Learning Teams to create rich content that both engaged and developed everyone on the programme. 94% of the cohort stated that they had already started using the tools before the end of the programme with 100% of the cohort saying they would recommend the programme to a colleague”
THE LEADERSHIP essentials programme
6 month development
Four Modules
This 6 month Leadership Essentials Programme is designed with the new Leader in mind. The first two modules will explore and uncover the skills and behaviours required to be truly transformational in our leadership approach. The sessions will be experiential in format and full of practical tools that can be used to lead and inspire every day from supervision to team meetings and from delivering critical messages to gaining buy in for a more aligned purpose and vision. We will also explore how to lead and drive change within the business and within our teams.
Modules 3 and 4 are also highly practical and involves practice, visuals, simulated exercises, feedback and coaching role plays, to enable delegates to understand, perfect and apply the key stages and skills of delivering feedback and running effective coaching sessions. As a result, participants will be able to plan and deliver feedback, have crucial and quality conversations and coach their team members both competently and confidently, applying these skills successfully in the workplace through effective techniques and well - practiced, as well as structured approaches.
This programme is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

“I was nominated for this programme by my VP and enjoyed every session. The modules build each month developing a practical toolbox of skills and techniques that are easy to understand and even easier to use. Thank you CTG for delivering a priceless development programme.”
“This is simply the best and most effective programme I have been involved in. I was engaged from the first moment to the last”
THE executive leadership
10 month development
Four Modules
This 10 Month programme is delivered in four parts and is packed full of workshops, executive coaching, 360 feedback, psychometric assessments and Webinars as well as intimate learning circles. Designed for Director level and above the programme will stretch even the most experienced leader and help them to become more inclusive in their approach.
Developing a deeper understanding of how Leaders act as Inclusive Leaders, we will actively explore how to create a workplace in which diverse talent is fostered and where diverse teams operate to their maximum potential. We cover topics like the six signature traits of resilient leaders, creating a core purpose and leading with customer centricity to help drive team engagement.
Between Part one and Part two a set of 3 X 75 minute webinars exploring critical Leadership topics will be delivered and then conduct a full 360 feedback assessment with a full 2 hour debrief with each of the delegates, followed up with reflection sessions held virtually in small groups of 4 – 6 people. In part two we develop a deeper understanding of how Leaders act as Coaches and unpick different tactics to develop strategic mindsets and explore strategy pyramids and strategy formulations. to help enable us to develop a strategic mindset as Inclusive leaders. Finally, we will uncover the Influencer model and the 6 sources of motivation that enable leaders to influence both their teams and their wider organisations.
This programme is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

“Intense, inclusive and excellent learning all round. What a fantastic programme. Thank you”
“Well worth the investment over the 10 months. From the face to face workshops to the virtual webinars and intimate learning circles this programme delivered rich content that resonated with all the leaders on the programme. It felt like I was being invested in by my company and I appreciate the chance to learn in this way with my Peers. The fireside chats with the VP population over the course of the 10 months was a real highlight”
2 X HALF DAY WORKSHOPS for Senior Leadership Teams
Virtual or In-House
Maximum Number of delegates: 25
Our workshop starts by capitalising and leveraging on our success over the last few years by exploring and realigning our leadership purpose and vision and progresses to enhancing our individual and collective mind-set and abilities in order to collaborate and communicate more effectively across our own teams and with each other when the opportunity presents.
Through exploring our core leadership purpose and signature, our values and
sense of belonging, how to keep things simple and the best ways to drive results in the team we will unpick the best ways to operate as a high performing leadership team. This session is highly interactive and creates an environment in which Leaders can evaluate themselves and their teams/business partners to increase alignment to a core purpose, enhance the sense of belonging and trust across the team, increase performance exponentially, and to develop thought leadership and more proactive collective leadership.
As well as a chance to breathe and reflect this day is an opportunity cement tangible action points that can sustain and propel this Team to being even more relevant and vital for the organisation as we move through 2021 and beyond. We will make sure to spend time both discussing our goals as well as building our relationships.
Capitalise on and leverage our success to date by exploring and realigning and invigorating a sense of purpose and belonging
Enhance our individual and collective mind-set and abilities in order to leverage our collective leadership strengths across the region
An exploration and discussion to co-create our collective vision/purpose that will support alignment and a greater sense of belonging
From complexity to simplicity – Creating the Marginal Gains mindset to enhance the winning culture across our Team.
ï‚·Developing and enhancing Trust – exploring tangible ways to develop trust and camaraderie between us as a Team and with our key stakeholders (both internal and external)
Collective Leadership - understanding how to leverage collective leadership across the region
ï‚·Leadership Signature – leveraging our Leadership Signature across the region to define impact and contribution
One day workshop split into two halves
Virtual or In-House
How does a new team move to a higher performing and fully engaged team? Understanding where the team strengths and challenge areas lie is the key to propelling teams from ”good to great” and “great to excellent”.
This one day workshop split into two half days will blend a mixture of theory and practice in exploring and uncovering more effective ways for this team to become an organisation where people partner as a real team. Whilst reflecting on our levels of operational excellence and how to raise the bar even further we will also look at tangible ways this Team can work more productively, effectively and consistently to ensure we continually improve to meet the needs of the organisation.
On day 2 through exploring our core leadership purpose and signature, our values and sense of belonging, how to keep things simple and the best ways to drive results in the team we will unpick the best ways to operate as a high performing team.
This session is highly interactive and creates an environment in which Team Members can evaluate themselves and their teams/business partners to increase alignment to a core purpose, enhance the sense of belonging and trust across the team, increase performance exponentially, and to develop thought leadership and more proactive collective leadership.
Leadership Signature
One Team and Best in Class
Trust – Developing productive relationships across the Team and Stakeholders
Expectations Management
Showing up as a Team – Collective TeamWork
An exploration and discussion to co-create our collective purpose that will support alignment and a greater sense of belonging
Leadership Signature – leveraging our Individual Leadership Signatures across the Business to define our impact and contribution
2 hour workshop
Virtual or In-House
How You Get Results Defines Your Value as a Leader?
Chances are, you spend at least some time thinking about your reputation at work. But have you ever thought about your personal leadership brand? Among your community of family and friends, you have a reputation — a personal brand that reflects your priorities, the values you stand for, the offerings or promises you consistently deliver, and how you go about delivering them. At work, your leadership brand is how your personal brand plays out in the social process of leadership. In other words, it’s how you interact with others to produce results.
While the sum of your previous interactions and experiences with other people may all be in the past, the personal leadership brand you aspire to should guide you into the future. It’s all about who you are and who you want to be.
Your personal leadership brand illustrates not only what you deliver but also how you deliver it, and should be an authentic representation of what you aspire to and cherish. A well-tended leadership brand reflects your deepest values, and it helps people - including yourself - define who you are and assess your anticipated value as a leader.
My (scope of) impact and contribution as a Leader
The foundations to building your Personal Leadership Brand
Understanding the anatomy of your Personal Leadership Brand
What people say about you when you are not there
An exploration and discussion to create our individual Leadership Brand and signature purpose that will support alignment and greater collaboration between us and our teams
From complexity to simplicity - Bringing our Leadership Signature to life
How to specialise and differentiate yourself
Creating powerful first impressions and managing your touch-points